Travel Inn Magazine

Cyprus is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, with over 3 million visitors each year. This sunny country is popular for its delicious Cypriot food, sandy beaches, and archaeological heritage.

There are lots of outdoor activities in Cyprus, whether you’re traveling on your own or with family or friends. Here are the top Cyprus highlights that you need to experience during your stay. The island of love, as Cyprus is nicknamed, has some fantastic activities suitable for all ages and interests. Whether you’re a history buff or a nature lover, there’s something for everyone.


Ideally, you should allow a couple of weeks for exploring Cyprus. Incidentally, we’re focusing here on the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, measuring 3,355 km2

Bellapais Abbey

Breathtaking views at Bellapais Village…

Legend has it that those who sit under the tree will become so lethargic and relaxed that they will be unwilling to work, and Durrell was struck by how true this legend seemed. You may well feel the same, because after visiting Durrell’s old haunts, you may find yourself strangely unwilling to move.


Every corner has a story…

The tranquil and beautiful village of Bellapais stands in the Kyrenia mountain range, some four miles from North Cyprus coast. With breathtaking views, tiny streets, and ancient buildings around every corner, the village has changed little since it was immortalized by Lawrence Durrell in the 1950s. The author’s “Bitter Lemons of Cyprus” chronicles his time in Cyprus and his adventures buying a home in Bellapais, close to Bellapais Abbey. Whilst the Abbey is certainly a ‘must-see’ for visitors to Bellapais, there is much more here, including ancient crusader paths that criss-cross the mountain – not to mention an excellent selection of restaurants and taverns!


The castle with amazing views of Kyrenia.

The castle is named after St. Hilarion, a hermit monk who fled from persecution in the Holy Land and lived and died in a cave in the mountains. Later in the 10th century, the Byzantines built a church and monastery here. Along with Kantara and Buffavento castles, St. Hilarion was originally built as a watch tower to give warning of approaching pirates who launched a continuous series of raids on Cyprus and the coasts of Anatolia. Although the monastery and a church were built here originally, the first references to the castle are found in 1191 records. For some time it remained of strategic importance, but later it became the summer resort of the Lusignan nobility.


Eating Out in North Cyprus

North Cyprus offers visitors an abundance of places to eat; from the simplest of tavernas to international-style restaurants, the choice is stunning. But all share the traditional Cypriot values of fresh ingredients, friendly staff, and good value. No holiday to Northern Cyprus would be complete without at least one meal in Kyrenia Harbour and the place comes alive in the evenings when the locals and visitors promenade – but don’t neglect some of the smaller restaurants to be found in the villages or the back streets of Kyrenia and along the coast. An evening meal in Bellapais Village under the floodlit majesty of Bellapais Abbey.


Explore the ancient Roman city.

Just north of Famagusta at the base of the Karpaz Peninsula lies the remains of the city of Salamis. The capital of Cyprus as far back as 1100 BC, Salamis survived the successive occupations of the Assyrians, Egyptians, Persians, and Romans but eventually succumbed to the forces of nature.


Experience the wonders of Kyrenia Harbour

Kyrenia, with its picturesque harbour and adjacent castle, is called the “Jewel of Cyprus”. It is, quite simply, exquisite! The town was probably founded circa tenth century BC and was one of the original city kingdoms. Its position on the north coast made it the ideal place to develop a harbour, and being only forty miles from the Turkish mainland it was perfectly situated on the trade route.

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